DATE: JANUARY 23, 2025
At tonight’s meeting, staff is bringing an item to facilitate a study session on active transportation and First and Last Mile improvements identified for Arrow Highway (Indian Hill Boulevard to Cambridge Avenue) and for Cambridge Avenue (Arrow Highway to Bonita Avenue). The active transportation First and Last Mile improvements to be considered tonight were identified with the preparation of the Arrow Highway Multimodal Regional Corridor Plan (MMRCP) and the First and Last Mile planning document. These plans were developed as regional planning documents to support active transportation and connections to mass transit for the East San Gabriel Valley.
The Arrow Highway and the Cambridge roadway segments being considered tonight are currently under design with funding received from Metro via Measure M grant application to the Multi-Year Subregional Program. Prior to the completion of the 30% plan set, staff is requesting Traffic and Transportation Commission (TTC) and public feedback on identified active transportation elements from the planning documents and grant applications. Feedback received will be considered by the design team for incorporation in the 30% plan set.
Recommended Action
Staff recommends the TTC conduct a study session to review and discuss the identified active transportation and First/Last Mile improvements for Arrow Highway (Indian Hill Boulevard to Cambridge Avenue) and Cambridge Avenue (Arrow Highway to Bonita Avenue) and provide feedback to staff and receive and file this report.
The staff cost to prepare this report is estimated at $1,477 and is included in the operating budget of the Community Development Department.
There is no dedicated city funding to construct these active transportation improvements.
The planning documents prepared for Arrow Highway and for First/Last Mile created eligibility for funding programs that prioritize regional active transportation efforts. The pursuit of grant funding is necessary to ensure these important multi-million-dollar projects get constructed.
The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), in their roles as regional agencies, commissioned the preparation of the Arrow Highway Multimodal Regional Corridor Plan (MMRCP) planning document to provide local agencies with project recommendations for Arrow Highway (from Azusa to Claremont), and with implementation strategies for supporting the pursuit of funds for the completion of regional active transportation projects.
The MMRCP, prepared by ALTA Planning, with the assistance of Active SGV and the Arroyo Group, was developed for the cities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont with the goal to provide a planning document outlining an east-west active transportation route or routes to facilitate walking, bicycling, use of other non-motorized forms of transportation, and access to transit networks, along the Metrolink and Gold Line light rail (A Line) routes. For most cities, the MMRCP study focused on Arrow Highway as the primary route, with parallel routes taken into consideration. The primary route studied for the City of Claremont was Arrow Highway, with Bonita Avenue identified as a parallel, secondary route.
Staff presented the MMRCP to the TTC at its January 28, 2021, meeting. Staff also brought an item to the Commission to provide an update on the improvements identified for Arrow Highway, on February 24, 2022. Subsequently, staff have verbally updated the Commission on numerous occasions to provide Gold Line (A Line) updates and updates on the grant applications that followed.
Prior to the completion of the MMRCP, Metro commissioned the preparation of the First/Last Mile planning document for the Foothill Gold Line Extension 2B cities (Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona and Claremont). This document was prepared in 2019 by the same consultant team that prepared the MMRCP for Arrow Highway (ALTA, Active SGV and Arroyo Group). While the MMRCP focused on regional connections along Arrow Highway and Bonita Avenue, the First/Last Mile Plan focused on studying a 1/2-mile and 3-miles radius (walking and cycling modes respectively) from the station sites. TTC Commissioners participated in public outreach activities, such as walking audits, during the preparation of the plan, while being mindful of the Brown Act.
The preparation of these regional plans went through a comprehensive public process with the participation of all interested parties and all cities’ staff and representatives. All participating cities agreed that it would be important to get as many of these improvements constructed as soon as possible to support connection to mass transit, especially the A Line. It is Claremont’s goal to use these plans to actively pursue grant funding to implement the recommended improvements.
With the construction of the Gold Line 2B cities extension, funding opportunities became available to start implementing the First/Last mile and MMRCP improvements. The Multi Year Subregional funding program call for projects allowed the 2B cities to start applying for funding to implement these projects. Claremont first applied and obtained MMRCP grant funds in 2018, for the construction of the College Avenue and Green Street bike and ped improvements, recently completed.
In 2021, Claremont partnered with Covina, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne and Pomona, seeking Measure M grant funds for the completion of Arrow Highway and ancillary routes MMRCP identified improvements. To create an equitable distribution of funds, each city had to identify specific roadway segments and locations to apply for the grant. Claremont selected the Arrow Highway segment between Indian Hill Boulevard and Cambridge Avenue and Cambridge Avenue (Arrow Highway to Bonita Avenue). This Arrow Highway segment was selected for its connection to Cambridge Avenue and Bonita Avenue, which is one of the identified regional routes, from the MMRCP. This route also serves by connecting children who live in neighborhoods south of Arrow Highway to El Roble Intermediate School. It should be noted that the Arrow Highway segment to the east of Indian Hill Boulevard could not be considered because of accessibility issues that needed to be resolved prior to applying for grant funds in 2021. The accessibility issues result from the Edison poles that need to be placed underground to make room for pedestrian and accessibility improvements, and undergrounding of utilities is not an eligible expense under the grant.
The seven participating cities were awarded Measure M grant funds in the amount of $14,997,974. The City of Claremont’s portion of this award was $3,082,974, which was received in 2022. At the time, these monies were estimated to cover design and construction of the improvements along Arrow Highway from Cambridge to Indian Hill Boulevard. With that application, staff included the Cambridge Avenue segment from Bonita Avenue to Arrow Highway, to complete bicycle and pedestrian First/Last Mile improvements connecting to the Bonita Avenue parallel route.
On November 28, 2023, City Council approved a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City of Claremont and the San Gabrial Valley Council of Governments for the East San Gabriel Valley Sustainable Multimodal Improvements Project - Arrow Highway and Cambridge Avenue, outlining the requirements for the use of the grant funds received. The approval of this MOA allowed for the design phase for this project to move forward. Staff updates on this item have been provided to the Commission.
The following addresses the improvements to be implemented with this grant in more detail. These improvements are referred to as Phase 1 Improvements.
MMRCP and First/Last Mile Identified Improvements for Arrow Highway (Indian Hill Boulevard to Cambridge Avenue) and Cambridge Avenue (Arrow Highway to Bonita Avenue)
The Claremont segment of Arrow Highway being improved with the MMRCP funds is from Cambridge Avenue to Indian Hill Boulevard and the portion of Cambridge Avenue being improved is from Bonita Avenue to Arrow Highway. Ultimately, improvements along the Claremont Arrow Highway corridor will have to be separated into two phases to complete the envisioned active transportation improvements and regional connections. The Arrow Highway segment east of Indian Hill Boulevard will require undergrounding of utilities, to make room for future accessibility improvements. . Currently, staff is working with Edison on a Rule 20A project that will address the undergrounding of utility poles on Arrow Highway, east of Indian Hill Boulevard.
Staff has actively pursued several grants to complete active transportation improvements from the MMRCP and First/Last Mile plans, including improvements on Arrow Highway and adjacent neighborhoods, east of Indian Hill Boulevard. In 2023, staff worked with the SGVCOG to apply for Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 6 grant funds for the completion of active transportation improvements east of Indian Hill Boulevard. Staff requested approximately $7,000,000 to complete the design and construction of the Arrow Highway MMRCP improvements, from Indian Hill Boulevard to Claremont Boulevard/Mills Avenue at the easterly boundary of the project, and for the design and construction of additional First/Last Mile improvements. Unfortunately, these ATP Cycle 6 Funds were not awarded to Claremont.
The continued pursuit of grant funding is necessary to be able to complete these improvements, as there are no dedicated city funds for the construction of these projects. As previously stated, it is Claremont’s goal to pursue and secure available grant funds to complete as many of these improvements as soon as possible to support the extension of the A Line. As such, staff continue to work with the SGVCOG applying for various grant funding opportunities, taking advantage of the eligibility created by the MMRCP and First/Last Mile plans. Applying for the grant funding programs that give priority to regional active transportation and First/Last Mile improvements have been the most successful approach to get these projects built. It should be noted that First/Last Mile improvements are essential to support the use of mass transit and to encourage the use of active transportation modes. Unfortunately, First/Last Mile improvements are not provided with the mass transit projects, and it is up to the local agencies to be proactive securing grant funds to provide these important improvements.
Recently, in November 2024, the SGVCOG worked with City staff on a grant application for additional grant funds requested on behalf of the city. Claremont is pursuing additional funding to fill in anticipated gap to complete this Phase 1 project, as the originally awarded $3,082,974 won’t be sufficient to complete the construction of the improvements. This application is asking for $4,000,000 to accommodate increases in construction costs to complete construction.
The following describes the identified improvements for Arrow Highway (Indian Hill Boulevard to Cambridge Avenue) and Cambridge Avenue (Arrow Highway to Bonita Avenue), also referenced as Phase 1 Improvements:
Phase 1 MMRCP and First/Last Mile Improvements
• Arrow Highway from Cambridge Avenue to Indian Hill Boulevard
o 82 feet curb to curb
o 7-foot Class IV bike lanes
o 5-foot Class IV buffer median
o 11-foot travel lanes
o 14-foot median (existing)
o Warranted traffic Signal at Bucknell at Indian Hill
o Intersection Improvements at Indian Hill Boulevard
§ ADA Improvements
§ Ladder Crosswalks
o Roadway Restoration
§ 2-Inch Grind and Rubberized Asphalt Overlay
§ Thermoplastic Roadway Striping
o ADA Improvements
• Cambridge Avenue from Bonita Avenue to Railroad Tracks
o 60 feet curb to curb
o 8-foot parking lane
o 3-foot door zone buffer
o 5-foot green bike lane
o 2-foot buffer lane
o 11-foot travel lanes
o ADA improvements
o This section could be evaluated for Class IV bike lanes if an appropriate design can be achieved
• Cambridge Avenue from the Railroad Tracks to Arrow Highway
o 48 feet curb to curb
o 7-foot Class IV bike lane
o 5-foot Class IV buffer (raised median)
o 12-foot travel lanes (12 versus 11 to accommodate the commercial truck access to Wharton Drive)
o ADA improvements
Next Steps
Staff will gather the feedback received in this study session and will work with the consultant team addressing and considering all public feedback for inclusion in the preparation of the 30% plan set, in consistency with the MMRCP and First/Last Mile plans and approved grant scope.
Staff will provide updates on the design progress and grant funding results as necessary and will bring an item to the TTC with the 30% design plan set.
This item is not subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The agenda and staff report for this item have been posted on the City website and distributed to interested parties. If you desire a copy, please contact Nadia Ramirez at In addition, residents and businesses adjacent to the project site received a notification.
Submitted by: Prepared by:
Maria B. Tipping, P.E. Vincent Ramos
City Engineer Associate Engineer
Maria B. Tipping, P.E.
City Engineer